Did You Know That Paying Your Taxes Is Voluntary? So says Harry Reid!

Listen to Harry Reid’s rationalization that paying taxes is voluntary. The level of intellectual dishonesty and out-of-control ideology required to be able to say with a straight face that taxes are voluntary is mind-blowing. This is the classic kind of doublespeak that we think of when contemplating an “Orwellian” future where the state controls everything, and accomplishes much of the control by redefining up as down, black as white, and “done under duress” as “voluntary”.

Wikipedia defines doublespeak as “language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words… Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms, intentional ambiguity, or reversal of meaning (for example calling ” war” “peace”)”. Saying that taxes are voluntary, while they are in fact extracted by the threat of force, fines or imprisonment, is like calling the War Department the “Ministry of Peace”. If what Harry Reid says in the video attached below doesn’t qualify as doublespeak, nothing does.

Anytime anyone is promoting anything, and they aren’t willing to call it what it really is, watch out! there is a reason they are trying to re-characterize what they are doing: If they told you the truth about what they are doing, you wouldn’t go for it!

Listen to the video below, and anytime you hear any politician doing what Harry is doing…VOTE AGAINST THEM.

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