
In a nutshell, this site is about developing the attitudes, perspectives, values and discipline that enable us to live life at it’s highest, most successful level.  Being successful is not a one-dimensional proposition; it takes a balanced perspective on all fronts.  So this web site addresses many different aspects of what it takes to live successfully not only as an individual, but also what it takes for us to live together successfully in our communities, our nation, and even our world.

So…want to know more than a nutshell’s worth?  Good!  Read on.

What if every person in the world wanted to climb as high on Maslow’s Pyramid of Self-Actualization as possible, and to pull as many other people along with them as possible?  Wouldn’t the possibilities be astounding?800px-Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg

There are a lot of positive things we can do in our lives to promote and encourage our growth toward that pinnacle of “self-actualization”.  Having constructive fun, getting the right education, and thinking things through in a sane and rational manner are some of the things we can do to assist ourselves in our journey to the top.  Check out the categories “Fun Stuff“, “Education” and “Thought Provoking” (especially the sub-tab “Living Successfully” under “Thought Provoking) for content along these lines.  But alas and alack, We do not live in a perfect world.  So it is not enough to wander through life in self-absorbed blissful oblivion, seeing everything through rose colored glasses.  There are negative things in life and we have to deal with them.

Taking time to do an occasional Reality Check is necessary, because we all develop attitudes and habits that we need to change.  And an occasional Reality Check applied to our Political Leaders, and the various and sundry other people, bureaucracies, and special interest groups that all seem to stick their nose into our business can do a lot to keep the Saftey Nazi’s, Control Freaks and Other Social Plagues under control.  Making sure that we get the worst of the Hypocrisy Exposed, and keeping up with what our leaders in Politics & Government are doing are just some of the things we have to to.  And keeping up with the issues of the day, the Timely Topics, so that we are informed and can successfully assess the issues and even perhaps even vote intelligently, which will promote a more successful society!!!  And just coincidentally (OK, I know that you know that it wasn’t a coincidence), there just happens to be a category tab at the top of each web page for each of the bold face topics in this paragraph.

One comment about the tone of crgrizzle.com:  While I do not believe in shirking unpleasant topics, I do believe in life-affirming content.  That means that I tend to stay away for the most part from jokes, opinions, or content of any kind that is needlessly offensive or negative, and tends to make life less than it could be.  Please note the use of the words “tends” and “needlessly”.  I”m not perfect, and don’t claim to be.  So while I may tend toward positive and life affirming, I may not always be that way.  So if I slip up, let me know about it.  As far as “needlessly”; sometimes when things are wrong enough, or people are doing things that they shouldn’t be doing, a little criticism, satire and exposure, even though offensive to some, may be in order.  If someone gets a little insulted, well, so be it.

Hopefully you will find content that makes you think, and you will find a lot of just fun stuff.  You will find threads that argue one side or the other, or both sides of current issues.  Open, intellectually honest debate is a good thing that we should all embrace.  So subscribe, read, enjoy and don’t be shy about sending your comments in.

C. R. Grizzle

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