National Public Radio News Story on Why People Do Not Believe in Manmade Global Warming:

An acquaintance sent me the following link to an article by NPR that supposedly makes the case that a person who doesn’t buy into the Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming scenario is just ignoring facts because of their “world view”.

National Public Radio news story on why people do not believe in manmade global warming:

The interesting thing about this particular article is that while it scratches the surface of a fundamental truth of human nature; that a person’s worldview affects their interpretation of data and facts; the author, Christopher Joyce, applies this truth freely to people who have a worldview different from his own, but failed to even consider that it might apply to himself or people of his world view.  (By the way, is the credit for this article due to Christopher Joyce or is it Robert Siegel?  The print story credits Christopher Joyce, but the audio version credits Robert Siegel.)

Joyce fully accepts without question the “raft” of data supporting global warming, but ignores the fact that this very data has been shown to be doctored, falsified, and tainted by the very subject of this article:  scientist who let their world view affect their supposedly objective work.

What a circular form of denial!  The very thing that global warming advocates are guilty of, they think they see in others.  This is a hot button for me.  I am absolutely and completely intolerant of this type of hypocrisy.

Joyce trots out the “Social Scientist” and calls on the staff of George Washington University to help us explore this amazing new concept that modern day elitist academia has “discovered”.   But the joke is on them.  We don’t need over-educated, self-important pompous academians to tell us that a person’s world view affects how he interprets things.  Our parents, and our grand-parents, and our great-grandparents…probably all the way back to the beginning of recorded history knew this simple life truth.  It is such common and old knowledge that there is an old saying:  “To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”.  Same concept.  Same truth.

It is the particularly sad state of “progressives” that when they arrogantly stumble upon a small piece of “truth”, they invariably stare at it myopically, and walk away with “tragic miscomprehension” as to what they have just seen; miscomprehension which leads to misapplication of all sorts of facts in all sorts of ways, and results in all sorts of misguided “save the world” crusades.

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