A good interview of Peter Lilley, member of British Parliament and former cabinent minister for Margaret Thatcher. Peter offers a non-hysterical perspective of “Climategate”, and discusses how government funding and the self-identity of researchers played a role in perpetuating erroneous…
Category: Global Warming
“Medieval Warm Period” Disproves Global Warming, Scientist Who Support Global Warming Are Corrupted By Funding Bias, and Al Gore Refuses to Debate.
“700 scientist from more than 400 institutions in more than 40 countries in the last twenty years have contributed to papers…that i know about and can on notice list, saying that the “Medieval Warm Period” which is well known in…
Climate Change Hysteria: The Lies and the Fanatics
I am amazed at how fast the “Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming” hoax imploded. I really thought it would take a couple of decades before the farce was widely seen for what it is. The implosion is encouraging. The similarities between…
What Leftist Radicalism is All About… From a Former Leftist Radical
“Exposing the Reality: … Liberals, so-called… are not liberal, they are socialist , they are intolerant, and Leftist and Progressives are the oppressors of minorities and the poor. They control all the big inner cities in America, and they have…
The Connection Between Climate Change Politics and the Push for One World Government
On Oct 14, Lord Monckton, that refreshingly sane voice of common sense from Britain, addressed the Minnesota Free Market Institute concerning the bad science, the dishonesty, and the outright lies propagated by those who would have us believe that we…
Hypocrisy: The Single Most Destructive Offense?
There is probably no single more destructive offense that can be perpetrated against the cause of progress, social justice and the general betterment of mankind than the offense of hypocrisy and double standards. If all facts relevant to an issues…