There is probably no single more destructive offense that can be perpetrated against the cause of progress, social justice and the general betterment of mankind than the offense of hypocrisy and double standards. If all facts relevant to an issues are presented openly, and competing viewpoints are given a fair and full hearing, I am convinced that the “truth”, that is, the viewpoint that is the best for the circumstance, will in the long run win out. We all win when that happens.
But what happens when some people who are not intellectually (or morally for that matter) honest repress facts that are contrary to their own personal bigotries and biases, and gleefully promote facts (and distortions of facts) that tend to support their agenda?
This is what happens: At best, life is not what it could have been. A better way for all of us may be lost to the nefarious juxtapositions, the disingenuous representations, and the outright lies. That is at best. At worst, real tragedy occurs. Think of an overzealous District Attorney who suppresses evidence that could have lead to a “not guilty” verdict, and an innocent person is executed. If you don’t think that happens, you need to spend some time browsing at The Innocence Project.
Sometimes the scale of tragedy affects more than just a single person. Think of the people who died at Ft Hood when Muslim jihadist Major Nidal Hasan went on his killing spree. There were plenty of signs that gave a clear indication of Hasan’s mindset, but they were ignored because of our hypocritical acceptance of anything Muslim regardless of how flagrant the offenses are, while we sanctimoniously condemn any Christian or Jewish idiosyncrasies as being “intolerant”.
Why the hypocrisy? Why the double standards? Because there are people who are not honestly seeking the truth. Instead they have an emotional agenda that is driven by deep unresolved personal conflicts that they cannot or will no deal with. The result is a need to “prove” their viewpoint, even when their viewpoint is unsupportable by evidence or facts.
Some current issues that have been hijacked by gross hypocrisy and double standards:
Global Warming:
The suppression of data that disproves man-made catastrophic climate change is monumental. Far too much to get into here. Check out the “Global Warming” category.
Islamic Fundamentalism:
While EVERY Muslim is not violent, it IS NOT A PEACEFUL REGION. There are too many extremist practicing jihad for anybody but an idiot with their head stuck in the sand to think or say otherwise. Let’s be fair, the Christan religion has not always been peaceful either. Think of the Crusades. But the Christian religion is now definitely a peaceful religion. The same thing cannot be said about current day Islam. The icing on the cake of this hypocrisy is that every time ANYTHING can be blamed on a Christian (for example a wacko who kills an abortion Dr.) the liberal news media harps on it for weeks, and the connection to his religion is made stridently and repeatedly clear. But recently when Major Hasan executed his deathly Muslim agenda against fellow servicemen at Ft Hood, hardly a peep was heard from the liberal media in even mentioning that he was a Muslim, and there certainly wasn’t much effort to make the justifiable and correct connection between his actions and his religion.
Politics in General:
It REALLY burns me when members of a political party ignore or even cover up and make excuses for someone in their party when they do not behave perfectly, but then turn around and relentlessly crucify someone in the opposition part for doing exactly the same thing. Now be careful here…Hypocrisy is NOT trying to live up to a high standard and failing to do so. There is nothing wrong with that. I have a lot more respect for someone who TRIES to live up to a high standard and fails than I do someone who won’t even acknowledge the existence or need for high standards. So, a politician who, for example, has an affair is not necessarily a hypocrite. They are just an example of fallen man, who is less than perfect. But the person who has an affair themselves, and excuses it, but condemns someone else for doing the exact same thing under the exact same circumstances…THAT is hypocrisy.
One good recent example. SC Representative Joe Wilson was castigated for shouting out disrespectfully during Obama’s speech earlier this year. But the Democrats had done EXACTLY the same thing to Bush in his 2005 Stat of the Union address.
Hate Speech:
Every notice how liberals viciously and disgustingly attack everyone they don’t like from Kenneth Star to Sarah Palin? On “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” back in 1998, Alec Baldwin said of Kenneth Starr “If we were living in another country, what we, all of us together, would go down to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death, stone him to death, stone him to death!” said Baldwin. “Then we would go to their house and we’d kill the family, kill the children.” Sounds pretty hateful to me. If there is such a thing as “hate speech”, this qualifies for the label in my book. Or take the vicious, hateful, totally disgusting way they were attacking Sarah Palin. David Letterman’s quip: “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez” was unfortunately not an isolated incident. Now, if a conservative attacked and denigrated a liberal candidate’s 14 year old child like that, we would hear a howl of outrage from the liberal left. But hardly a whimper did we hear.
The hypocrisy is that it seems to be winked at when a liberal engages in “hate speech” against a conservative, but God forbid that you say ANYTHING against any of their people. If you do, it just “proves” that you are biased and bigoted, and you are just indulging in “hate speech”.
I could go on and on and on….. but you get the idea. The “Hypocrisy” category on this blog is dedicated to exposing hypocrisy wherever it rears it’s head…liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat. I will post the best examples that I can get my hands on.
C. R. Grizzle