The Connection Between Climate Change Politics and the Push for One World Government

Monckton on Climate Change and National Sovereignty

On Oct 14, Lord Monckton, that refreshingly sane voice of common sense from Britain, addressed the Minnesota Free Market Institute concerning the bad science, the dishonesty, and  the outright lies propagated  by those who would have us believe that we are facing catastrophic man-made global warming.  Monckton makes the case that there is no legitimate scientific basis for believing this hype, and that the real motivation behind the movement is political.  Some people are skeptical that all of the politicians and “scientist” who are hyping man-made global warming could really be so wrong.  Probably even more people are skeptical that there really are people out there who are actively pushing for the United States relinquish it’s sovereignty and to become subject to a higher power, namely a one-world government of the United Nations.    The clip above is just Monckton’s final few words, only about 4 minutes long.  His entire speech is about 90 minutes long and can be seen at :

What is needed is for people en masse to become educated about the facts, to think for themselves, and to quit believing everything they are told by some “expert” that they don’t even personally know.

I pledge to do my part by researching and posting any relevant, factual  information I can find regarding the subjects of National Sovereignty and Climate Change.  I am convinced that “catastrophic man-made climate change” is a myth, and that there is an immediate and severe political danger to the Sovereignty of the United States.  If the facts prove I’m wrong then I’ll admit it.  But I thinks the facts will bear out my suspicions.   If anyone out there has any information that you would like to add, please submit it.

C.R. Grizzle

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