Category: Timely Topics

No Guns For Negroes

Did you know that to write the 1968 Gun Control Act here in the USA, Senator Thomas Dodd  (yep, the father of the current Senator Chris Dodd) used the actual Gun Act that the Nazi’s had passed in 1938 in…

CAMERA on the Gaza Flotilla

Someone forwarded me the link below. has done an excellent job putting together the facts on the Gaza Flotilla, and the bias and misreporting of the mainstream media.  Worth the time for anyone who really wants to know what…

Hamas Propaganda Machine-PJTV

A very telling 3 min and 16 sec video. For those out there who haven’t learned to THINK about what they are hearing, this kind of propaganda will unfortunately continue to be successful. Click on the picture below to view.

We Con The World

Been following the story of the Israeli interception of the Turkish “Aid” to Gaza drama? If so, you gotta see this. Priceless. Sung to the tune of “We are the World” UPDATE: After 3 Million Hits, YouTube censored the original…