The Impact of George Soros: Should One Man Have That Much Power?

To really understand much of what is happening in the political world (and I do mean WORLD, not just here in the USA), you really have to understand the impact of George Soros.  Read the links below and you will find that George Soros was a major force in influencing elections worldwide.  This includes elections in the Czech Republc, “And by his own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia”.
With assets of over $7B, and control of a diverse network of foundations and other organizations that he funds both directly and indirectly, his influence on world politics is breathtaking.  It is estimated that over $5B has been donated to Leftist causes by the Soros network of foundations.
Couple of examples local to the USA:
  • Soros spent $26M of his own money in a failed attempt to unseat George W. Bush… Soros’ hatred of Bush is where much of the “Blame Bush” mentality originates from.
  • Remember how Obama came out of nowhere to oust Hillary Clinton?  Well, in January of 2007, The New York Daily News reported that George Soros was backing Barack Obama over Hillary, who he had previously favored… and the rest is history…
Read the links.  It is an education.

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