Global Warming is Real: But How Much is Due to Human Activity, and is it Catastrophic?

Global Warming (and Global Cooling) is real. No one disputes that. The world has been warming and cooling in cycles for ages. Go look at Long Island or the Great Lakes: These geological realities point to the work of an Ice Age where temperatures were much cooler than today. Go to the Piedmont of Georgia, and you will find sea shells in fields many feet above the current sea level. How did they get there? Who knows? But it certainly points to a warmer time when the seas were higher. Look to the “Medieval Warm Period”…long suspected of being part of the reason for the Renaissance…people could grow food easier, and so, the theory is, they had more time for the arts and sciences.

The activities of man absolutely increases the temperature of the atmosphere. No sane person could argue that. Every time I strike a match I increase the temperature of the planet by some small amount. Carbon emissions absolutely affect the environment. But does the extra warming caused by man’s activities just escape into space? Or does it have a significant, long term, irreversible effect on the environment?

The real question is this: Is there credible evidence of Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming?

The evidence is overwhelming that the proponents of Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming were not true “Truth-Seekers”, viewing evidence impartially and going where the evidence, data and true scientific method took them. The evidence is overwhelming that the scientist and politicians had an agenda. They “doctored” the evidence. They stiffled dissenting views. They conspired to suppress evidence that was unfavorable to the result they wanted. The computer models intentionally did not include algorythms to account for known cyclic phenomena. The irrefutable evidence that Sun Spot activity is more closely tied to earth temperatures than CO2 was deliberately ignored.

As a matter of fact, the evidence is so overwhelming that MOST people are “getting it” now. A Rasmussen poll shows that only “35% of U.S. voters now believe global warming is caused primarily by human activity”, and “47% think long-term planetary trends are mostly to blame. Read the entire Rasmussen Report HERE.

What do the 47% know that the 35% don’t? Well, for people who keep up, this is old news. But for anyone who hasn’t kept up to speed with the debate, here is a short video just to scratch the tip of the Ice Berg….

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