“Medieval Warm Period” Disproves Global Warming, Scientist Who Support Global Warming Are Corrupted By Funding Bias, and Al Gore Refuses to Debate.

“700 scientist from more than 400 institutions in more than 40 countries in the last twenty years have contributed to papers…that i know about and can on notice list, saying that the “Medieval Warm Period” which is well known in history and archeology, as it is in climate science, was real; was global; and was noticeably warmer than the present, so there is nothing special about today’s temperatures.  That, if you like, is the consensus on the Medieval Warm Period.  …the supposed “official” [climate change fanatic’s] view,which is that they have abolished the “Medieval Warm Period”, is not the consensus.  There’s a handful of scientist only, [again, all climate change fanatics] who have contributed to papers, all of them based on bogus computer models,…  saying that the “Medieval Warm Period”  wasn’t real; all of them were relatives and friends and coauthors of the people who wrote the original paper trying to pretend there wasn’t a “Medieval Warm Period”.

So says Lord Monckton, in a jewel of a little interview video.  Furthermore, he explains how climate science are “corrupted by trying to get alongside the sources of funding” and discusses Al Gore’s refusal to debate the issue.

As I said, a jewel of a little video.

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