McCain-Feingold: Dies a Well Deserved Death, but the Debate Continues

Not that I would encourage you too spend too much of your time reading illogical, unsupportable, brainless, ill-thought-out arguments from the Illogical Left, but in the interest of being open-minded, I do stay in touch with the “other” side.  Here is a link to an article in OpEdNews which is whining about the supreme courts ruling against McCain-Feingold, and here is my reply.   They actually posted it and didn’t censor it!


What about Unions?  What about Media Corporations?  Under McCain-Feingold
Unions (which are really in essence the same thing as corporations…they are just groups of people who are sometimes greedily selfish, organized into a legally recognized entity) were not restricted, but corporations were.  This lead
to an imbalance:  Labor could campaign, but Management, which represented stockholders, couldn’t.

And consider this clincher:  If Corporations shouldn’t be allowed to affect elections with their considerable influence with campaign contributions, then why do we let
the major media corporations, such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc. etc. affect elections in a much more blatant and effective way…by blatantly and openly supporting candidates of their choice by favorable media coverage?  This is even worse that allowing campaign contributions.  Campaign contributions are largely
used to buy media time, and the major media corporations are “giving” coverage FREE to the candidates that they support!  If you really believe in stopping corporations from affecting elections, then you have to limit your favorite media outlets too.  Otherwise you are just being a hypocrite, and your real aim is to suppress speech that you don’t agree with.

You can nit-pick all you want to about the “person-hood” of corporations, but that is just a red herring.  The real issue is the McCain-Feingold censored political
discourse from traditionally conservative groups, and left traditionally liberal
groups uninhibited.  It was a bad idea, and it is good that the courts finally recognized it.

If you support McCain-Feingold, please don’t make any pretenses about believing
in “free speech”, because you obviously don’t.


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