Barbara Boxer on Partial Birth Abortion

The article HERE by George Will in Newsweek gives a little background and perspective to an exchange that Barbara Boxer (D CA) had on the floor of the US Senate with Rick Santorum (R PA) while debating Partial Birth Abortion.

I am going to go out on a limb here, and say that barring extenuating circumstances (like perhaps when necessary to thwart someone trying to kill you or somebody you know) when somebody becomes that evasive, that untruthful, that unwilling to clearly state their position, that unwilling to debate, it is a good indication that they are the embodiment of pure evil. Boxer REFUSES to answer simple questions because she JUST DOESN’T WANT TO GO THERE. She doesn’t want to go there because she KNOWS that the truth is against her, and she doesn’t care.

Wills notes that the videos below that were originally taken by C-span are the only way we know that this exchange took place, and that Boxer said the things she did, because the Congressional Record, which is supposedly a transcript of what is said on the Senate floor, was altered. That my friends, is corruption on top of corruption… evil on top of evil.

Watch the videos. It is enlightening.

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