The Mosque at Ground Zero – Best Article I’ve Read Yet

Very good article on proposed mosque near Ground Zero and the history and current state of Islam in general.  Written by Frank Salvato, posted at GOPUSA.

There are too many good points to summarize them all, but at the top level:
*  Islam has a centuries-long historical record of marking the sites of their violent conquest with mosque.  The sites are often strategically placed on top of the significant cultural/religious sites of the subjugated society.  The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jeruslem in probably the most well known example(built over the site of the 2nd Jewish Temple). Cordoba Spain is another example (built over the site of a Christian Church), the mosque at Ayodhya India (built over a Hindu temple) is another. (Ayodhya was not mentioned in this article, but you can read about it HERE.

*Once these mosque have been built on top of another religion’s holy site, Muslims lay claim to the ground and NEVER relinquish it.  If you read the article about Ayodhya, you will see that the dispute goes back centuries.  A recent archaeological effort to establish who got there first went all the way back to the 10th century. (Hindu temple in 10th century, replaced by mosque in the 16th century, mosque destroyed in 1992 by Hindus….  You see what we are getting ourselves into if this mosque gets built?
*Though a few moderate Muslims have come out by saying that a mosque so close to ground zero is insensitive, and the mosque should be built somewhere else, by and large the moderate Muslim community has been silent.
*Just like common-sense, mainstream, center-right moderates in the USA have finally steped up and make their voices heard, it is time, RIGHT NOW for moderate Muslims to step up and are making their voice heard, speak out against the Muslim extremist conquest for religious world domination, against the violence of Jihad, and against the liberty-stifling aspects of fundamentalist Islam.

Good article.  Read it before you make up your mind.

You can read the article HERE.

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