Lord Monckton Does a Good Job Explaining Some of the Problems With the “Global Warming” Hysteria

It’s really amazing how two people can listen to the same thing, and “hear” two different messages. I often listen to something multiple times to make sure that I am really HEARING what is said, and not just cherry picking bits and pieces that support a bias that I may already have or a conclusion that I have already drawn. Here, for anyone who can lay aside their biases and listen carefully, Lord Monckton does a pretty good job addressing a couple of the key points of contention between believers and skeptics of Global Warming. And he offers a path for “Global Warming” scientist to regain credibility; Ultimately, they will have to be willing to go where the true science leads, even if it contradicts where they “want” it to go. The second video is a clip of some more of the testimony of Lord Monckton, in which he details a couple of the problems with the global warming “concensus”.

And HERE is the transcript of all of Lord Monckton’s testimony.

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