What Do Goldman Sachs & Fannie Mae Have to Do With Cap & Trade?

If you don’t have the inclination to read up on the latest re: the financial meltdown and the “reforms” that are in process, here’s a 4 minute comedy routine from PJTV that scratches the surface. Why is it important? Because these “reforms” are just a sham that are setting the stage for the next fiasco: Carbon Credit Trading. Carbon Credits are just another “derivative” in the sense that there is no true underlying value to the carbon credits. They are just bogus trading instruments with no intrinsic value. And Carbon Credits Trading is being brought to us by the same players that brought us the mortgage backed securities meltdown: Goldman Sachs; Fannie Mae; corrupt politicians; and idealistic, naive “progressive” sheeple who swallow the bulls**t “feel good” lies from said corrupt politicians.

I think the routine lags a little between minutes 1 and 2, so if you don’t have 4 minutes,
just watch the last half starting at 2 min and 6 sec.

Click HERE

But wait, it gets better… I had heard buzz about how Al Gore was going to make MegaBuck$ on Cap & Trade, but never had it laid out for me exactly how.  Here is a flow chart that shows the connections between Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Fannie Mae, CCX (Chicago Climate Exchange) and our pal Barack Obama.

It’s pretty clear now why Obama is so committed to Cap & Trade, and why, since he can’t get the votes in congress to pass Cap & Trade, he will use the EPA to “deem” that CO2 gases are dangerous and do an end run around congress.  There is just too much big business and corrupt money behind Cap & Trade and too much money to be made off of it.

Click HERE.

The flow chart came from the web site  rustlesandglimmers.wellconstructedsentence.com.

I hope enough people wake up to the realization of what all of this means.  If enough people don’t, there is going to be one hell of a price to pay in the years to come.

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