Links to the Platforms of 2010 Georiga Governor Candidates

Well folks, it isn’t too soon to be researching who you will vote for next year in the 2010 Georgia Governor’s race.  Rather than wait until the election is upon us and scramble at the last minute to figure out who you are going to vote for, or even worse, not decide until you are actually in the voting booth, why not spend a little time now scoping out the candidates, seeing what they stand for, and beginning to narrow your choices down?  You might just like someone so well that you decide to get involved in helping them with their campaign.  And anyhow, the Democratic and Republican primaries will be in July, so you don’t have as long as you might have thought you had.

So to that end, I have gathered the web site addresses of each of the announced candidates official web sites, and given you the link below.  Now how hard could it be for you to just click on the links below and see who you like and who you don’t?

One pet peeve of mine is candidates who either don’t know what their position is on important topics, or at least don’t bother to clearly state their positions on their web sites.  Candidates should be straight up and tell us what they are about so we can choose to either vote for them or not.  If they don’t do that clearly on their web sites by having either an “Issues” or “Platform” page, they probably aren’t worth considering.  Just my humble opinion, but a defensible one, I believe.  If I incorrectly indicated below that I could not find and “Issues” page on their web site because I overlooked it, please accept my apologies and let me know immediately so I can change the posting.

In the interest of unbiased representation, the parties AND the candidates within the parties are listed in alphabetical order.  Ok, here we go :


Thurbert Baker (Cant find and “Issues” or “Platform” page)

Roy Barnes (Cant find and “Issues” or “Platform” page)

Carl Camon (Cant find and “Issues” or “Platform” page)

Dubose Porter (Kinda sort of an issues page)

David Poythress (Can’t find an Issues , but here is his “vision” page)


Al Bartell



Nathan Deal (Cant find and “Issues” or “Platform” page)

Karen Handel

Eric Johnson

Ray McBerry

John Oxendine

Austin Scott

Jeff Chapman


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