Down with the Republican Establishment

Think that the recent Tea Parties and 9/12 rallies are a wake-up call only for Liberal Democrats?  I don’t think so.  I think (hope) that we will see a house-cleaning in the Republican ranks too.  Bay Buchanan’s article Beware of the Republican Establishment in Human Events makes the case pretty well that returning the House and Senate to the same brand of Republicans that were in power for the last eight years will spell disaster not only for the Republican Party, but also for the entire country.  So how do we clean house?  Bay states it pretty succinctly;  “We need primaries to nominate candidates that aren’t owned by party leaders, powerful special interests, nor Corporate America.”

It won’t be easy though.  Ms Buchanan’s article makes the case that in state after state, the National Republican Party establishment is handpicking big-government, status-quo candidates of their choice, and is trying to force these choices on rank and file Republicans in their home states.  One case that Ms Buchanan details is Marco Rubio’s quest for the FL Senate seat vacated by Mel Martinez and currently being filled by George LeMieux.  I heard Marco Rubio speak once, and once is all it took. Rubio represents the kind of change that we need.  If you live in FL, I highly recommend that you check him out.

For FL as well as other states, the answer is for grassroots involvement.  Individuals (that means you and I) MUST get involved, check out the candidates well in advance of even the primary elections, and vote for your principals, not for the personality.

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