Category: Timely Topics

Two Trillon Tons

Pretty good parody of the “State of the Union”. Sung by the Ghost of Tennessee Ernie Ford And here is another version produced by NBRA, National Black Republican Association. And finally, just for kicks, if you want to hear the…

Straight Talk About the Bail-Outs

If you never read another article about the bailouts, read this one by Ann Coulter. The bail outs were unnecessary, as is evidenced by past instances (during the Regan administration) when the government refused to bail out Wall Street’s bad…

Islam: Violent Religion or Victim of Bigotry?

Quick question:  Is Islam a peaceful religion?  Are the anti-Islamic sentiments that we increasingly hear the result of narrow minded, anti-Muslim, intolerant bigots?  Or, is there actually something about the Islamic religion that promotes and encourages intolerance and violence? It…

Fair Tax: Learn about it.

The Fair Tax is probably the single most important issue being discussed in politics today.  The implications for the future of our country are enormous.  I have read both of the Fair Tax books by Neal Boortz and John Linder,…