Category: Reality Check

What The Real Danger Is

The quote below has shown up at least twice online, the earliest of which I’m aware of is in a comment to a post on Reuters; by someone with the screen name O2BNTEXAS. Good Quote. “The danger to America…

Ann Coulter on the Bailouts

If you never read another article about the bailouts, read this one by Ann Coulter. The bail outs were unnecessary, as is evidenced by past instances (during the Regan administration) when the government refused to bail out Wall Street’s bad…

Debunking the Slave Trade Myths

Joe Hicks of PJTV draws from a new book by Henry Louis Gates, quotes from Frederick Douglas, and other sources to debunk some of the race baiting myths perpetuated by dishonest academians and politicians. In any conflict, when one side…

Doublethink vs Truth

Somewhere this week, I just can’t remember exactly where in the multitude of emails, newsletters, and subscriptions that I read every day, I say a quote from George Orwell’s novel “1984”.  I also saw a reference to a video clip…