Wonder if Helen would tell the people who are in the US illegally to go home…. She is very quick to recognize the concept of property rights when she uses the phrase “it’s THEIR land” while referring to the Palestinians…
What The Real Danger Is
The quote below has shown up at least twice online, the earliest of which I’m aware of is in a comment to a post on Reuters; http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE60Q23H20100127 by someone with the screen name O2BNTEXAS. Good Quote. “The danger to America…
Obama’s “home country in Kenya”
The “birthers” attempts to prove that Obama wasn’t really born in the US really doesn’t address the more important point. Regardless of the validity or lack of validity of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate, the more important point is whether or…
Alternet Article Ignorantly Questions Why So Many Christians Are Conservative
A friend forwarded me a link to an Alternet.org article “Why Are So Many Christians Conservative”. This article by Mike Lux basically implies that conservatism is incompatible with Christianity. Lux says; ” I decided about four decades ago that since…
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: We Need More Like Him!!!
Finally, someone willing to stand up to the self-absorbed, self-righteous, artificially indignant, entitlist teachers who think they “deserve” so much. And answering a stupid, hypocritical question from a reporter…
Democratic Strategist James Carville Slams Obama for Handling of Gulf Oil Spill
Watch the clip from abcnews.go.com HERE. Or watch it below… Carville is pretty upset, but he has only himself to blame. He and the other Obama Minions who voted for Obama are finally beginning to see what those of us…