Watch the clip from HERE.
Or watch it below…
Carville is pretty upset, but he has only himself to blame. He and the other Obama Minions who voted for Obama are finally beginning to see what those of us who voted against Obama have known all along… he has no real world experience and so he doesn’t even begin to know how to respond to real world situations like this. Obama has lived his entire political life in the surreal world of big, corrupt money, and when a situation comes up that he can’t run to George Soros and ask for another $10M to start another socialist advocacy group, he just doesn’t know what to do. I just hope to God that nothing really challenging or bad happens to the USA until we get somebody competent at the helm.
Of course, the Obama Administration is claiming that they were on top of things from “Day 1”, but the below clip from
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal pretty effectively debunks that claim: