Obama Administration Tries another End Run Around Congress. The Agenda This Time? Gun Control

Over the past year, or so, another of the Obama administrations anti-American agendas  played out as usual, not in the “sunshine” of open debate on the House and/or Senate floor, but instead by Obama’s usual modus operandi:  What he can’t get through Congress because most of the American people don’t want, he tries to accomplish by bureaucratic bullying.

In a nutshell, here is what the deal was:  The US military has traditionally sold used brass (that is the spent casings from ammunition that has been fired) to the US civilian market.   Much of the used brass was bought by private ammunition companies who reloaded the brass, and sold the ammo to police departments and private citizens.  The Obama administration tried to stop this by ordering that old brass be ground up instead of sold as whole casings.  The idea being that it would put a squeeze on the availability of ammunition for gun owners in America.

So, our government was deliberately destroying the old brass rather than let US civilian market purchase it, even though by grinding it up, it was worth only about 20% of what it was worth if sold as usable casings.

At this point, it APPEARS that this effort has been beat back.  But if you read the links below, you will find that we thought it was licked once, but came back again in a different form and had to be put down again.

Obama’s control freak minions are like zombies in a bad horror flick… you have to shoot them repeatedly before they stop coming at you.

Here are the links to the drama that unfolded.

First, a post on TheShootist.net

Second, a post on www.familyfriendsfirearms.com forum

Stay informed, and stay vigilant.

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