Arizona Immigration Law Enjoys Overwhelming Support from the Rest of the USA.

A Fox News Poll shows broad support for Arizona’s Immigration Law, even though you might not suspect that from some of the media coverage.  To quote from the Fox news Poll:

“The new poll finds 61 percent of voters nationally think Arizona was right to take action instead of waiting for the federal government to do something on immigration. That’s more than twice as many as the 27 percent who think securing the border is a federal responsibility and Arizona should have waited for Washington to act.

Most Republicans (77 percent) and independents (72 percent) support Arizona taking action. Democrats are divided: 43 percent think the state was right, while 41 percent think Arizona should have let the federal government take the lead.”

Here is the actual question, and the results by political demographic:

36. Do you think Arizona was right to take action by passing its new immigration law and not waiting any longer for the federal government to act, or do you think securing the border with Mexico is the responsibility of the federal government and Arizona should have waited for the federal government to take action on immigration?
——————-Right to——–Should
——————-take action—- have waited—–(Don’t know)
4-5 May 10——-61%————-27——————12

You can see the poll in its entirety HERE.

Unsurprisingly, the poll shows that Democrats as a whole are out of step with the rest of the country.  Independents were very close to Republicans in there approval of the AZ Law; 72% and 77% respectively, while only 43% of Democrats approved.

Surprisingly though, at least to me, more Democrats agreed with the AZ law (43%), than disagreed with it (41%).  Maybe this means that some Democrats are waking up to the realities of life in the 21st Centruy.

Polls from Rasmussen corroborate the Fox poll.  In polling regarding voter’s views of the protesters against the new AZ law, Rasmussen found that 25% Have Favorable Opinion of Immigration Rights Protesters, 50% Unfavorable, and overall, 59% of voters favor legislation like Arizona’s.

Other states may be moving to take action too, as evidenced by the following Rasmussen polls:

55% of Colorado Voters Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s

62% in Florida Favor Arizona-style Law On Illegal Immigration

Interestingly, even in the liberal state of Massachusetts, though approval of AZ type legislation is at 41% and opposition is at 48% (pretty telling when even in a state as liberal as Mass the vote is that close) there is still significant public sentiment to do something about illegal immigrants.  See this Rasmussen poll:  70% in Massachusetts Favor Ban on Public Benefits For Illegal Immigrants.

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