An acquaintance sent me the following link to an article by NPR that supposedly makes the case that a person who doesn’t buy into the Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming scenario is just ignoring facts because of their “world view”. National…
Category: Timely Topics
NASA Cooks the Books—Attitudes and Motivations of the Extreme Environmentalist
Here is yet another of a multitude of good videos on issue of Global Warming. I corresponded with a pro-Global Warming environmental engineer during the past week who admitted that the “science” and data used to support global warming was…
Global Warming is Real: But How Much is Due to Human Activity, and is it Catastrophic?
Global Warming (and Global Cooling) is real. No one disputes that. The world has been warming and cooling in cycles for ages. Go look at Long Island or the Great Lakes: These geological realities point to the work of an…
NO! NO! Please God NO!!!! A Conservative Started the Global Warming Hoax?!?!?!?!
During the energy crisis of the 1970s, Margaret Thatcher set out to break the miner’s political power and secure energy security for Britain by promoting nuclear power. She went to the Royal Society and offered them $$$ to “prove” that…
Sunspot Activity Correlates With World Temperatures Much Better Than CO2
The video below is a great synopsis of the evidence that the activity of the sun has much more to do with our climate than CO2. Also, I personally remember in the mid 1970s that “scientist” were warning that we…
Peter Lilley Weighs in on Global Warming
A good interview of Peter Lilley, member of British Parliament and former cabinent minister for Margaret Thatcher. Peter offers a non-hysterical perspective of “Climategate”, and discusses how government funding and the self-identity of researchers played a role in perpetuating erroneous…
Congressman Mike Rogers’ Opening Statement on Health Care Reform in Washington D.C.
This is a little dated, but it is really good. If only more of our politicians in Washington were of this caliber. Rogers’ intelligence, common sense and straight talk exemplify exactly the kind of political leadership we need. Even though…
“Medieval Warm Period” Disproves Global Warming, Scientist Who Support Global Warming Are Corrupted By Funding Bias, and Al Gore Refuses to Debate.
“700 scientist from more than 400 institutions in more than 40 countries in the last twenty years have contributed to papers…that i know about and can on notice list, saying that the “Medieval Warm Period” which is well known in…
Climate Change Hysteria: The Lies and the Fanatics
I am amazed at how fast the “Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming” hoax imploded. I really thought it would take a couple of decades before the farce was widely seen for what it is. The implosion is encouraging. The similarities between…
O’keefe Slandered by MSNBC’s Schuster and Others…Surprise, Surprise.
This is only for the fairly hard-core followers of political-media intrigue. Most people on the street will have no idea of what is going on here. But for anyone who has any doubts of the viciousness and even worse, the…