Excellent article by Harris Sherline discussing the sheer number of laws and regulations that we are subject to, and how ridiculous some of them are. Too Many Laws Breed Contempt — Harris Sherline — GOPUSA Posted using ShareThis
Category: Big Government: It Usually Just Doesn’t Work
Newt Gingrich at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend, Nov 2009
College Student Puts the Scale of the Federal Budget Into Perspective
For all the talk of the economy, and the millions and billions and trillions of dollars in the US budget, it is hard to get a conceptual grasp of what the scale of the expenditures are. A college student does…
Current Financial Problems Facing USA has Roots in Decisions Made Decades Ago
According to WikiPedia, the Nixon Shock was a series of economic measures taken by President Nixon back in the 1970s. Follow the link and read the WikiPedia article. It isn’t hard to see that today’s financial troubles began decades ago…
How the Financial Markets Really Work
This comedy skit was broadcast on The South Bank Show on October 14, 2007. It is uncanny how brilliantly and accurately it predicted the subprime financial meltdown, right down to the details of using the threat of devalued pension funds…
Are Fears of Socialism and Fascism a Distraction?
A friend forwarded a link to a William Astore article on Alternet.org that argues the point that fears of socialism and fascism are just distractions from what is really happening…which is the theft of trillions of dollars by corporations and…
Did You Know That Paying Your Taxes Is Voluntary? So says Harry Reid!
Listen to Harry Reid’s rationalization that paying taxes is voluntary. The level of intellectual dishonesty and out-of-control ideology required to be able to say with a straight face that taxes are voluntary is mind-blowing. This is the classic kind of…
Gwinnett County School Board Sues Over Charter School
At the January AFP Gwinnett GA meeting, Doug Edwards presented the following history and update on the status of the Gwinnett County School Board’s choice to sue the GA Dept of Education and the GA Charter Schools Commission. Click HERE…
Interesting Backlash… a Revival of State’s Rights.
Fred Fernandez forwarded a version of this to me… Turns out that it is pretty much all true, as you can see from the “truth or fiction” and “snopes” website links, or just by googling each of the referenced bills.…
Two Trillon Tons
Pretty good parody of the “State of the Union”. Sung by the Ghost of Tennessee Ernie Ford And here is another version produced by NBRA, National Black Republican Association. And finally, just for kicks, if you want to hear the…