This 3 minute, 45 sec video pretty much explains as clearly and succinctly as I have seen the problems with Public Sector Unions: Their ties to politicians, the way that unions dues are used to elect union friendly politicians and…
Category: Teacher’s Unions
Teacher’s Union Get’s Woman Fired for Speaking at Board of Education Meeting
So, the crux of this story is that a lady in Oregon, as part of her job as director of the local Chamber of Commerce, got up at a School Board Meeting and read a statement urging teachers to accept…
Public Unions Have Got to Go
Public employee unions vote in friendly politicians who then turn around and awared them lucrative pay packages… Thus unions control BOTH sides of the negotiating table: The union negotiators are on one side, and on the other side are politicians…
Christie for President!
It’s getting to the point that for the entertainment value, I’d rather watch a video clip of NJ Governor Christie than a movie or TV show…
The Real Cost of Schools–Washington Post Article
Excellent Article in the Washington Post. Well worth the read. What education really cost in the DC area, and real alternatives to improve the system.
Rasmussen Poll: 65% in NJ Favor Pay Freeze for Teachers
Interesting Rasmussen Poll result: HERE. I think that people in general are finally getting it. I wonder if the education establishment ever will. I doubt it. I don’t think that people in the education establishment want to get it. WikiPedia…
What Leftist Radicalism is All About… From a Former Leftist Radical
“Exposing the Reality: … Liberals, so-called… are not liberal, they are socialist , they are intolerant, and Leftist and Progressives are the oppressors of minorities and the poor. They control all the big inner cities in America, and they have…
Notable Quote
“When school children start paying union dues, that ‘s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.” This from Albert Shanker, past president of American Federation of Teachers now deceased. Unfortunately, I don’t think that his attitude was an…
Should Teacher’s Unions be Banned?
While I wholeheartedly believe in the right of workers to establish unions, when a union is the beneficiary of a government-granted monopoly such as our current education system, and the students for the most part do not have free choice…