Category: Thought Provoking
Stop It!
The Disappointment of The Double Helix-A Need to Know Basis
Two good articles from World Magazine. The Disappointment of the Double Helix is a sanity check on our expectations of science, and A Need To Know Basis is a sanity check on our perspective of Western Culture and religions of…
Judge Andrew Napolitano at RightOnline 2010
PJTV Discusses the Jessi Slaughter Viral Internet Flame
This is the best treatment of the Jessi Slaughter viral internet flame that I’ve heard. Thoughtful, compassionate, and yet tough. It puts the incident, and the dangers of the internet for children, in historical perspective. And in anticipation of those…
To See Proof of the Fallacy of Utopian Views, Look No Further Than the Beatles
Those with Utopian views can only maintain their rose-colored-glasses view of humanity by denying the realities of humanity’s basic nature . Very good World Magazine article by Matt Ristuccia in the April 10, 2010 issue. For link, click HERE.
John Taylor Gatto: I Quit, I Think
Originally published in The Wall Street Journal, July 25th, 1991, this is a good short read of one teacher’s frustration with bureaucratic public education. Read it HERE at Gatto also wrote several books, one of which, The Underground History…
Neal Boortz Faux Commencement Speech
John Scott sent me this link, and I was wondering what University or College would allow this commencement speech… then I noticed it was a “Faux” speech. It has never been delivered at a commencement. But it should be. The…
Commencement Address You Won’t Hear
A good 10 min view, but it gets really good at 7:28 Highlights: 7:28 “Wealth can be generated from thin air.” 8:17 “You can spread the existing wealth around, or, you can go out and make some more of it.…
What The Real Danger Is
The quote below has shown up at least twice online, the earliest of which I’m aware of is in a comment to a post on Reuters; by someone with the screen name O2BNTEXAS. Good Quote. “The danger to America…