Category: Reality Check

New Element Discovered: Governmentium

From a widely circulated email: New Element Discovered – Soon To Be Included On The Periodic Table: Lawrence Livermore Laboratories has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons,…

Notable Quote

“When school children start paying union dues, that ‘s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.” This from Albert Shanker, past president of American Federation of Teachers now deceased. Unfortunately, I don’t think that his attitude was an…

Newt Gingrich on the Culture War

I really don’t understand why Newt stirs such passionate hatred from some people. I really enjoy listening to him talk. Very, very few people can speak on such a breath of public policy issues with the knowledge, depth, historical perspective…

The Roots of Political Correctness

Ever wonder where the “Political Correctness” craziness came from? Well, here is the answer, and it makes a surprising connection between the Gay movement, Radical Feminism, the prevalent attitude of entitlement among minorities, and the Sexual Revolution. These are all…

Islam: Violent Religion or Victim of Bigotry?

Quick question:  Is Islam a peaceful religion?  Are the anti-Islamic sentiments that we increasingly hear the result of narrow minded, anti-Muslim, intolerant bigots?  Or, is there actually something about the Islamic religion that promotes and encourages intolerance and violence? It…

Freedom vs the Promise of Utopia

Larry Peterson forwarded me this link.  It is pretty interesting… the struggles that are going on today aren’t new…the ideological battles that are being fought today were being waged in 1948.  You can’t get something for nothing.  Somewhere, somehow, the…